Orthopedic Procedures

CCL (Cranial Cruciate Ligament) Tear

TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy)Extracapsular /Lateral Fabellar Suture

Patellar Luxation Surgery (medial or lateral)

Procedures typically include a combination of trochleoplasty, fascial release/imbrication, tibial tuberosity transposition

Elbow Surgery

UAP (United Anconeal Process)Ulna osteotomy/ostectomy

Joint Surgery/Procedures

Arthrotomy to inspect joint for meniscal debridement, joint sepsisArthrodesis to fuse the joint if luxated/unstableArthrocentesis to tap a joint with a needle and examine fluidJoint flush for septic joints

Tendon/Ligament Surgery

Achilles tendon repairSuperficial Digital Flexor tendon luxation


Digit for toe nail tumors, chronic infectionTail for trauma, infection, tumorForelimb / hindlimb

Fracture Repair

Simple / comminuted fractures of the limbs requiring fixation with pin/wire/plating/splintsPelvic fractures/luxations

Implant removal

To treat infection or remove implants that are no longer needed and causing discomfort

Oncologic Procedures

Bone biopsiesMass resections

Additional procedures

FHNO (Femoral Head & Neck Ostectomy) to treat fractures of the hip joint, chronic arthritis