Patient Comfort

What Type of Pain Control Does Avanza Veterinary Surgery Provide?

We believe that our patient’s comfort should not be optional and as a result, pre-emptive local analgesia is a standard of care*.

Nocita – Liposomal bupivacaine

Nocita is a long-acting local analgesic that provides up to 72 hours of pain relief from a single dose. Avanza will typically administer this analgesic in dogs without contraindications (younger than 5 months of age, pregnant, lactating). Typically, Nocita is administered in the subcutaneous tissue peri-incisionally for orthopedic surgery and abdominal surgery.

Local Analgesic Blocks:

Avanza Veterinary Surgery will perform other blocks for pain relief as indicated using preservative-free bupivacaine

· Intraoral blocks – for maxillary/mandibular surgery

· Incisional blocks – for dystocia surgery when Nocita cannot be administered

· Circumferential/ring blocks – for digit, paw or tail surgery

· RUMM (Radial-Ulnar-Median Nerve) blocks – for forelimb surgery such as radius/ulna fractures

· Femoral/sciatic block – for TPLOs or other stifle surgery using a nerve stimulator

· Intratesticular blocks – for castration / scrotal ablation

· Coccygeal block – for urethral obstructions

· Splash block – for lateral ear resections

*Pending no contraindications such as sepsis, pyoderma, bleeding disorders